Looking to refresh your GDPR training but struggling to find a cost-effective solution for your small business?
Look no further! Our online training platform provides a hassle-free way to get your team up to date on GDPR regulations.
With the flexibility to watch the training videos at any time, or attend one of the monthly live sessions with a qualified data protection expert, our interactive training will keep everyone engaged and awake! And if you have any questions, our team is always available to provide clarification.
Upon completion of the training, you can download a certificate to demonstrate that your training is up to date to clients.
We offer two levels of training – Essentials and Fundamentals – to ensure that everyone gets the right level of training for their needs.
Our training sessions include online and live components, access to the videos or live session for 30 days, an assessment to test your knowledge, and a certificate on successful completion of the assessment. Essentials training costs just £49, while GDPR and Information Security – Fundamentals for Staff training is just £20 – both prices include VAT.
We understand that different organisations require different levels of training, so if you’re unsure which training is best for you, don’t hesitate to contact us. And if you need bespoke training to meet your company’s specific needs, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch to discuss how we can tailor our training to suit your business.

GDPR Compliance made easy – Essentials for UK Businesses –